Monday, April 29, 2013

JESUS CHRIST is the Judge of the living and the dead. ~ (Acts 10:42)

A record is kept of all our deeds, thoughts and utterances.  Sins confessed that are forgiven, are forgotten and no longer on record because of our Saviour Jesus Christ, whose Blood was shed on the Cross of Calvary.  This is one of the greatest aspects of being a born-again Christian.
On the last day, all mankind will be judged, with Jesus Christ presiding over judgment.  We will all appear before Him to give an account of how we have lived our lives here on earth. 
Do you know that even the slightest wrong-doing is still on record with God if you have not yet accepted the Free Gift of Salvation [JESUS CHRIST]?  It is,  and will be judged, should something happen, and you leave this world without surrendering your life to Jesus. Tomorrow is promised no one - not even the righteous.

It is only through Jesus Christ that sins are forgiven. His Blood cleanses all manner of sins.  Surrendering your life to Jesus is not as complicated as you thought.  Come to Him today!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

JESUS CHRIST gives His peace to us; not as the world gives does He give. ~ (John 14:27)

Jesus Christ is our Peace (Ephesians 2:14). To be without Him, is to be without peace.  He imparts inner peace to sinners when they are reconciled with God.  When you have Christ, you are free from the bondage of sin, guilt of past sins, fear of the unknown, strife, worries, and the thought of future judgment.   
Fellow human beings may give you peace, but it is temporary, and they will not always be there for you.  Some make false promises of peace, and what others offer sometimes lead to betrayal, frustration, and misery.  The world system, pleasure, fame, wealth, and other good things of life give you peace occasionally, but what they offer cannot meet the needs of the soul. 

Jesus Christ gives peace that surpasses understanding - peace that no one can give or take away.  The peace He gives leads to joy and fulfillment. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A good man obtains GOD's favor, but a man of wicked devices, He condemns ~ (Proverbs 12:2)

God wants us to have with spiritual and temporal blessings, but we should not expect Him to be pleased with us if we refuse to forsake our wicked ways. He bestows common blessings such as rain, the sun, and other necessities of life, on both the wicked and the good (Matthew 5:45), but the best things of life are reserved only for those who pursue righteousness, and strive to live a lifestyle of holiness.


In the last few posts, we discussed the term ‘WICKEDNESS’. We also discussed the factors that make an individual ‘wicked’ in the eyes of God.


The 'Good' or the 'Righteousness' in the eyes of God are those who pursue righteousness. They may not be perfect, but they strive to be holy - doing everything to obey the Lord’s commands and generally striving to please Him at all times.

Attending church services (without Christ), doing good to others, supporting/donating to worthy causes, and rendering charitable services while we are not yet saved, does not make us good in the eyes of God. Many non-Christians/ unbelievers are good-natured in the eyes of men. Some even make great personal sacrifices for others, but these without Christ are nothing to the Father. It is impossible to do anything that pleases God, if we are not yet saved.

No one can please a perfect God without Jesus Christ, for He is our Righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30). Unless righteousness is sought through Him, we are considered wicked in the eyes of God, for the simple reason that we continue to reject the Gift of Salvation, and thus refuse to be cleansed of the sins we were born with. [Romans 5:12] says that Adam’s spiritual death was passed down to all of humanity. This means we are all born spiritually dead - born with a natural tendency to sin.

The first step to pursuing righteousness, is to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. His Blood, which was shed on the Cross of Calvary as payment for our sins cleanses us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:7). When we surrender to Him, we are made righteous, and then empowered to live a lifestyle of holiness, through the Holy Spirit.

If you are not a Christian or not yet born-again, there is good news. God does not want to see anyone perish and ultimately spend eternity in hell (Ezekiel 33:11). What’s more, He wants you to be spiritually and abundantly blessed, even here on earth.

Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought. 

How Can I Receive Jesus Christ As My Lord and Saviour, Today? 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

He that justifies the wicked and he that condemns the just are both detestable to GOD. ~ (Proverbs 17:15)

GOD will never be a part of corruptible judgment.  He hates it when we knowingly cover the sins of others or accuse an innocent person falsely.  Under no circumstances are we to partake in such unscrupulous acts. 

According to the Bible, we are considered 'wicked' if we are:  immoral, unrighteous, ungodly (i.e. refusing the Gift of Salvation), jealous, malicious, corrupt;  basically going against everything the Gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST teaches against  (as contained in the New Testament), and any of the Eternal Laws of GOD (also known as the Ten Commandments).
However, If you are not a Christian or not yet born-again, there is good news. GOD does not want to see anyone punished and ultimately spend eternity in hell (Ezekiel 33:11).  There is a way to escape His wrath.  The way is, to take the first step to pursuing righteous, which is accepting the Gift of Salvation, by faith in JESUS CHRIST, who died on the cross of Calvary for our sins.   His Blood cleanses us of all manner of sins (1 John 1:7).  We are made righteous, only when we surrender our lives to Him completely.  He then empowers us to live a lifestyle of holiness, through the Holy Spirit. Surrender all to Him today!