Sunday, July 21, 2013

The secret things belong to GOD. ~ (Deuteronomy 29:29)

God reveals to us what is essential to our well-being.  The things that He does not reveal belong to Him, and should not be sought after.  They challenge us to trust Him even more. 

God has reasons why He keeps certain things from us.  He does not give us all the details of the good things He will do for us, so that we will not get carried away and let our guard down.  He does not tell us precisely when we will die, so that we would not be devastated and shift our focus from things that are more important. 

When God directed Prophet Samuel to anoint David as king at a young age (1 Samuel 16:1-13), David knew that he would be a king one day, but it was not revealed to him that it would take fifteen troubled years for him to sit on the throne.  Joseph had a revelation from God that he was going to be great (Genesis 37:5-10), but God kept the fact that he would first have to be a slave, and then a prisoner before becoming the Prime Minister of Egypt. 

God may reveal His plans for our lives to us, but choose to keep to Himself the times and seasons those plans would be accomplished.  Only He knows the purpose for keeping certain things to Himself.  His ways and judgments, though just, are often hidden from us, and past finding out by our finite minds.

Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to surrender all to Him today.
How Can I Receive Jesus Christ As My Lord and Saviour, Today? 

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