Saturday, October 26, 2013

The greatness of GOD is unsearchable ~ (Psalm 145:3)

God is greater than our challenges, worries, and fears.  When we remind ourselves of His greatness every day and yield ourselves to Him, His words will become our words, and His desires will align with ours.  Only then will we begin to see things differently and experience the surpassing greatness of His power in our lives. All things (both pleasant and unpleasant) work together for good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). 

How God executes His judgments is beyond human reasoning.  Likewise, we cannot predict what to expect from Him when we bring our desires to His throne of grace.  No one can adequately understand God to a point where he claims to have the power to do what He alone can do.  Satan imitates God's works sometimes and delivers them through his emissaries, but they will always be temporary fixes to challenges of life - counterfeit signs and wonders.  All power belongs to GOD and GOD ALONE!
You cannot enjoy any of the great things that God the Father has in store for you as His most beloved creature, without accepting His Son as your Lord and Saviour.  All the promises of God the Father are, 'Yes' in Jesus, and through Him, our "Amen" ascends to the Father (2 Corinthians 1:20).
  Make a decision to surrender all to Jesus Christ today.

Monday, October 21, 2013

GOD is not slack concerning His Promise, as some men count slackness. ~ (2 Peter 3:9)

It is worth waiting on God for His promises to be fulfilled in your life, even when it takes a considerable amount of time.  Wait upon Him in prayers, and guard against making negative confessions.  The Bible says it is impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).  Never allow disbelief to set in because you think He is slow in fulfilling His promises. 

When human beings do not fulfill promises they make within a set time, we conclude that they have either changed their minds or do not have the ability to make good the promises, but God is not man; He manages our affairs with wisdom and justice.  Blessings will be bestowed at His chosen time, and His judgment will be executed in whatever way He chooses.  He is faithful and true.

All the promises of GOD the Father are, 'Yes', in JESUS, and through Him is our, "Amen" (2 Corinthians 1:20).  Make a decision to surrender all to Him today.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

GOD gives victory to kings. ~ (Psalm 144:10)

Are you in a position of authority?

You may encounter certain challenges that are peculiar to your status.  If you are in Christ, do not despair, the Lord is with you.  God rules in the affairs of men and places people in authority to represent Him.  If you depend on Him at all times, you will remain victorious. 

David acknowledged that He had no power of his own, and God stood by Him until the very end.  He had been in authority since Prophet Samuel anointed him king.  At a very young age, He knew what it meant to depend on God when He had challenges (1 Samuel 17:45).  Little wonder, then, that he slew Goliath effortlessly with the most unexpected weapon.  The force behind David was what made that possible. 
You will always rise above your unrepentant enemies if you depend on God and not your strength, or other forms of security made available to you.  Do remember to humble yourself and honor the Almighty God at all times.
Surrendering your life to Jesus is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to accept Him today.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Only Wise GOD ~ (1 Timothy 1:17 - KJV)

The attribute of infinite wisdom belongs only to God.  His wisdom is very deep; so deep that His ways are unsearchable.  He is wise in creating, sustaining, guiding, saving, teaching, and chastising us. 
God's wisdom is hidden to men and satan.  The Bible says if the princes of the world had known the hidden wisdom of God in His plan to save the world, they would not have crucified Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 2:8), for by His crucifixion, they now have billions of Christ followers to contend with.  Satan has a plan for every follower of Christ but his wisdom will turn to foolishness ultimately, because God's ways of protecting His people from his fiery darts will always be a mystery to him. Make a decision to be part of God's family today.
Surrendering your life to Jesus is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to accept Him today.

Monday, October 7, 2013

GOD looks from afar. ~ (Jeremiah 23:23)

No one has ever seen God, yet He does wonders and executes His judgment for all to see.  Not only can God do all things without being physically present with us; He also sees everything we do, knows our thoughts, imagination and motives.  This should console anyone who is at the end of his or her rope.  It is also a wake-up call for the wicked. 
God blesses us from a distance, for all to see.  Likewise, when the cup of a wicked person is full, He executes His judgment from a distance, for all to see.  He is not only the God who is near; He is also the God from a distance.
Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to surrender all to Him today.