Thursday, October 17, 2013

GOD gives victory to kings. ~ (Psalm 144:10)

Are you in a position of authority?

You may encounter certain challenges that are peculiar to your status.  If you are in Christ, do not despair, the Lord is with you.  God rules in the affairs of men and places people in authority to represent Him.  If you depend on Him at all times, you will remain victorious. 

David acknowledged that He had no power of his own, and God stood by Him until the very end.  He had been in authority since Prophet Samuel anointed him king.  At a very young age, He knew what it meant to depend on God when He had challenges (1 Samuel 17:45).  Little wonder, then, that he slew Goliath effortlessly with the most unexpected weapon.  The force behind David was what made that possible. 
You will always rise above your unrepentant enemies if you depend on God and not your strength, or other forms of security made available to you.  Do remember to humble yourself and honor the Almighty God at all times.
Surrendering your life to Jesus is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to accept Him today.

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