Thursday, December 12, 2013

GOD makes the barren fruitful. ~ Reference (Genesis 21:1-2; 25:21; 30:22; Judges 13:2-3; 1 Samuel 1:19-20; Luke 1:13)


God opened the wombs of Sarah, Rebekah, Rachel, the wife of Manoah, Hannah, and Elizabeth.  All six women gave birth to very influential men in the Bible.  Sarah was the mother of Isaac; Rebekah was the mother of Jacob; Rachel was the mother of Joseph, Manoah’s wife was the mother of Samson, Hannah was the mother of Samuel, and Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist. 
Barrenness comes in various forms.  Besides the inability to bear children, one could be barren spiritually, physically, materially, socially, or mentally.  If you are not fulfilled in some area of your life, be encouraged to commit the situation into the hands of God, believing that He, who opened the wombs of these great women has the power to make you fruitful.
You cannot enjoy any of the great things that God the Father has in store for you as His most beloved creature without accepting His Son as your Lord and Saviour.  All the promises of God the Father are, 'Yes' in Jesus, and through Him, our "Amen" ascends to the Father (2 Corinthians 1:20).
  Make a decision to surrender all to Jesus Christ today.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

The greatness of GOD is unsearchable ~ (Psalm 145:3)

God is greater than our challenges, worries, and fears.  When we remind ourselves of His greatness every day and yield ourselves to Him, His words will become our words, and His desires will align with ours.  Only then will we begin to see things differently and experience the surpassing greatness of His power in our lives. All things (both pleasant and unpleasant) work together for good, for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). 

How God executes His judgments is beyond human reasoning.  Likewise, we cannot predict what to expect from Him when we bring our desires to His throne of grace.  No one can adequately understand God to a point where he claims to have the power to do what He alone can do.  Satan imitates God's works sometimes and delivers them through his emissaries, but they will always be temporary fixes to challenges of life - counterfeit signs and wonders.  All power belongs to GOD and GOD ALONE!
You cannot enjoy any of the great things that God the Father has in store for you as His most beloved creature, without accepting His Son as your Lord and Saviour.  All the promises of God the Father are, 'Yes' in Jesus, and through Him, our "Amen" ascends to the Father (2 Corinthians 1:20).
  Make a decision to surrender all to Jesus Christ today.

Monday, October 21, 2013

GOD is not slack concerning His Promise, as some men count slackness. ~ (2 Peter 3:9)

It is worth waiting on God for His promises to be fulfilled in your life, even when it takes a considerable amount of time.  Wait upon Him in prayers, and guard against making negative confessions.  The Bible says it is impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 11:6).  Never allow disbelief to set in because you think He is slow in fulfilling His promises. 

When human beings do not fulfill promises they make within a set time, we conclude that they have either changed their minds or do not have the ability to make good the promises, but God is not man; He manages our affairs with wisdom and justice.  Blessings will be bestowed at His chosen time, and His judgment will be executed in whatever way He chooses.  He is faithful and true.

All the promises of GOD the Father are, 'Yes', in JESUS, and through Him is our, "Amen" (2 Corinthians 1:20).  Make a decision to surrender all to Him today.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

GOD gives victory to kings. ~ (Psalm 144:10)

Are you in a position of authority?

You may encounter certain challenges that are peculiar to your status.  If you are in Christ, do not despair, the Lord is with you.  God rules in the affairs of men and places people in authority to represent Him.  If you depend on Him at all times, you will remain victorious. 

David acknowledged that He had no power of his own, and God stood by Him until the very end.  He had been in authority since Prophet Samuel anointed him king.  At a very young age, He knew what it meant to depend on God when He had challenges (1 Samuel 17:45).  Little wonder, then, that he slew Goliath effortlessly with the most unexpected weapon.  The force behind David was what made that possible. 
You will always rise above your unrepentant enemies if you depend on God and not your strength, or other forms of security made available to you.  Do remember to humble yourself and honor the Almighty God at all times.
Surrendering your life to Jesus is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to accept Him today.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Only Wise GOD ~ (1 Timothy 1:17 - KJV)

The attribute of infinite wisdom belongs only to God.  His wisdom is very deep; so deep that His ways are unsearchable.  He is wise in creating, sustaining, guiding, saving, teaching, and chastising us. 
God's wisdom is hidden to men and satan.  The Bible says if the princes of the world had known the hidden wisdom of God in His plan to save the world, they would not have crucified Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 2:8), for by His crucifixion, they now have billions of Christ followers to contend with.  Satan has a plan for every follower of Christ but his wisdom will turn to foolishness ultimately, because God's ways of protecting His people from his fiery darts will always be a mystery to him. Make a decision to be part of God's family today.
Surrendering your life to Jesus is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to accept Him today.

Monday, October 7, 2013

GOD looks from afar. ~ (Jeremiah 23:23)

No one has ever seen God, yet He does wonders and executes His judgment for all to see.  Not only can God do all things without being physically present with us; He also sees everything we do, knows our thoughts, imagination and motives.  This should console anyone who is at the end of his or her rope.  It is also a wake-up call for the wicked. 
God blesses us from a distance, for all to see.  Likewise, when the cup of a wicked person is full, He executes His judgment from a distance, for all to see.  He is not only the God who is near; He is also the God from a distance.
Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to surrender all to Him today.


Friday, September 20, 2013

No one knows how GOD controls the clouds and makes His lightning flash. ~ (Job 37:15)

No one can fully understand God - His ways are past finding out.  Many of us believe that we know God too well to be in a position to assist Him in accomplishing His plans, but the truth is that, He is not dependent on us for anything; not our counsel, resources, intellect, strength, or anything else.  His purpose will always be accomplished.

God does not need our assistance to meet our needs, to deliver us from difficult situations, to reward us, or avenge us.  We should ask of Him what we need in faith, and believe that we will receive according to His will.

Friday, September 13, 2013

GOD breaks the gates of brass, and cuts the bars of iron in sunder. ~ (Psalm 107:16)

God is able to break every yoke that confines an individual to captivity.  Sometimes, we expose ourselves to the snares of satan when we backslide or live in disobedience.  The Lord is waiting to have you in His arms.  He will break down every prison door and smash to pieces the bars with which you are bound.  All you need do is to surrender your life to Jesus Christ.  If you are already saved but feel you may be living in disobedience, confess and repent of your sinful ways, then commit to living a lifestyle of total obedience to God.

Surrendering your life to JESUS CHRIST or re-dedicating your life to Him is not as complicated as you thought.  Come to Him Today!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

JESUS CHRIST, the Great Counselor. ~ (Isaiah 9:6)

The human race is always searching for counsel.  Sometimes we tend to opt for counsel that negates the Word of God from those who come across as helpful Psychiatrists, Marriage Counselors, Astrologists, Spiritualists, Motivational Speakers, Therapists, friends and relations.  Majority of them make false or temporary promises of peace and other good things of life; and what others offer sometimes lead to betrayal, frustration, and misery. 

Worldly counsel is bound to fail you at some point.  Jesus Christ is the only Counselor who gives excellent advice.  All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Him (Colossians 2:2-3).  His Gospel gives sound principles on every subject matter.  You also receive divine counsel through the Holy Spirit when you have Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life (Isaiah 11:2). It is unwise to put your trust in fellow human beings.  Even the best of men can fail you sometimes. 
Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought.  Come to Him Today!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

GOD gives Strength to the needy in distress. ~ (Isaiah 25:4)

Lack of essential things of life could cause anyone distress. It could be lack of money to put food on the table or pay your bills; a vacuum in your emotional well-being that is yet to be filled, and just about anything.

If you are weighed down because you are in need, call on GOD the Father - the provider of all things, through His Son Jesus Christ, (who is also called, GOD the Son); for all things come from the Father, through the Son (1 Corinthians 8:6, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Ephesians 3:12, John 16:23 ).  He will provide for you, and give you rest.
Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to surrender all to Him today.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Demons obey JESUS CHRIST. ~ Reference (Luke 4:33-35)

Jesus Christ has authority over evil spirits.  Colossians 2:10 says He rules over all principalities and powers. Jesus cast out evil spirits from a certain man in the synagogue, with a Word, and made an Evangelist out of another who was possessed with numerous demons (Mark 5:1-20). The Bible also records how He healed many, casting out the evil spirits that possessed them with His Word (Matthew 8:16). 
If you are a born-again Christian, you have the authority to cast out demons in the Name of Jesus (Mark 16:17).  You must however be in right standing with Him to exercise this authority.
Suffice it to say that you have no control over demons if you have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus Christ.

Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to surrender all to Him today.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The secret things belong to GOD. ~ (Deuteronomy 29:29)

God reveals to us what is essential to our well-being.  The things that He does not reveal belong to Him, and should not be sought after.  They challenge us to trust Him even more. 

God has reasons why He keeps certain things from us.  He does not give us all the details of the good things He will do for us, so that we will not get carried away and let our guard down.  He does not tell us precisely when we will die, so that we would not be devastated and shift our focus from things that are more important. 

When God directed Prophet Samuel to anoint David as king at a young age (1 Samuel 16:1-13), David knew that he would be a king one day, but it was not revealed to him that it would take fifteen troubled years for him to sit on the throne.  Joseph had a revelation from God that he was going to be great (Genesis 37:5-10), but God kept the fact that he would first have to be a slave, and then a prisoner before becoming the Prime Minister of Egypt. 

God may reveal His plans for our lives to us, but choose to keep to Himself the times and seasons those plans would be accomplished.  Only He knows the purpose for keeping certain things to Himself.  His ways and judgments, though just, are often hidden from us, and past finding out by our finite minds.

Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to surrender all to Him today.
How Can I Receive Jesus Christ As My Lord and Saviour, Today? 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

GOD destroys the wisdom of the wise, and brings to nothing the understanding of the prudent. ~ (1 Corinthians 1:19)

God has the power to turn the wisdom of those who are wise in the eyes of the world, to foolishness.  He is displeased with those who claim to understand the course of nature, dispute His work of creation, theorize over spiritual matters in an attempt to downplay the truth about His existence, and discredit the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.  These include scientists, philosophers, self-help inspirational/motivational speakers, false preachers and teachers who blindfold the lost, the weak, and the vulnerable, to the light of the Gospel.

*It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe* (1 Corinthians 1:21)

Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought.  Come to Him Today!

Saturday, June 22, 2013

GOD blesses His people with peace. ~ (Psalm 29:11)

When you are going through the storms of life, the peace of God is what sustains you.  There is nothing you cannot achieve when you have the peace of God.  It is the remedy for fear and weakness.  The Bible also says when our ways please Him, He will cause even our enemies to be at peace with us (Proverbs 16:7). 
However, we cannot experience the peace of God the Father if we have not accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.  Jesus Christ is not only the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6); it is also through Him that we are blessed.  Whatever God the Father does for humanity, He does through Him (2 Corinthians 1:20, 1 Corinthians 8:6, Colossians 1:17). 
Those who continue to reject Jesus Christ and live in disobedience can know no peace until they truly repent and surrender their lives.  Those who have Jesus on the other hand, are hidden in Him.  They will experience peace that surpasses human understanding in spite of the unpleasant situations that surround them.
If you are presently facing a challenge and have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus, you need the peace of God. Do not focus on the challenge.  Rather, seek the peace of God the Father. His peace is in Jesus Christ His Son (Ephesians 2:14).  Surrender all to Him today – don’t wait a minute!  

How Can I Receive Jesus Christ As My Lord and Saviour, Today? 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

All the promises of GOD the Father in Jesus are 'Yea', and in Him, 'Amen'. ~ (2 Corinthians 1:20)

Jesus Christ is the only way through which we receive the blessings God has for us.  It is in His Name that we ask and receive from the Father (John 16:23).  We receive because the Father loves those who love Jesus and believe that He came from Him (John 16:26-27). 

When we pray, we say our "Amen" in the Name of Jesus to seal our confession, petition, or request.  The most important of all, is the promise of forgiveness, which can only be received when we have Jesus Christ (Romans 3:22-26).  The promises of God are fulfilled in Him, because it is on the premise of His Gospel that we enjoy mercy and grace. It is wonderful to know that the grace, love, favor, and mercy of God in Jesus Christ will always be our portion. 

Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought.  Come to Him Today!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

GOD gives His people sleep ~ (Psalm 127:2)

God not only prospers the work of our hands; He also gives us contentment and peace of mind. If you live in obedience and commit all that you do into His hands, you will find favor with Him. Those who toil day and night are not necessarily the most successful or prosperous people. God can bless you to the point of working in comfort and achieving a lot with minimal effort. You will always be well-rested and anxiety-free.
Ecclesiastes 9:11 says that the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong; nor does food come to the wise, nor wealth given to the brilliant, nor favor given to the learned. Our success lies in the hands of God. Seek Him first, and everything else will be added unto you.
The first step to enjoying the blessings of God the Father, is to accept His free Gift of Salvation. Make a decision to surrender your life to Jesus Christ!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Death is naked before GOD; destruction lies uncovered. ~ (Job 26:6)

God knows when harm is coming our way, even when we do not.  He may choose to warn us about it directly, or warn us through other vessels.  Whether He chooses to warn us or not, the important thing to remember is that He constantly fights our known and unknown battles, because He knows the plans of the wicked before they are executed.

 The Lord will fight your battles, only if you let Him reign over your life.  Is Jesus Christ your personal Savior and the Lord of your life?  

How Can I Receive Jesus Christ As My Lord and Saviour, Today? 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

JESUS CHRIST is a Sure Foundation. ~ (Isaiah 28:16)

Jesus Christ should be the basis for everything we are, and all that we do.  Some people put their hope in other gods, false beliefs, fellow human beings, the world system, and other personal desires. These are bound to fail them.  Such individuals become victims of the snares of satan and eventually live in frustration. 
We will fail, if our lives are not established upon the doctrine of Jesus Christ.  Submitting to His authority enables you to stand firm when you encounter the challenges of life.  With Him, you will overcome whatever comes your way.  He will never forsake you.

Monday, April 29, 2013

JESUS CHRIST is the Judge of the living and the dead. ~ (Acts 10:42)

A record is kept of all our deeds, thoughts and utterances.  Sins confessed that are forgiven, are forgotten and no longer on record because of our Saviour Jesus Christ, whose Blood was shed on the Cross of Calvary.  This is one of the greatest aspects of being a born-again Christian.
On the last day, all mankind will be judged, with Jesus Christ presiding over judgment.  We will all appear before Him to give an account of how we have lived our lives here on earth. 
Do you know that even the slightest wrong-doing is still on record with God if you have not yet accepted the Free Gift of Salvation [JESUS CHRIST]?  It is,  and will be judged, should something happen, and you leave this world without surrendering your life to Jesus. Tomorrow is promised no one - not even the righteous.

It is only through Jesus Christ that sins are forgiven. His Blood cleanses all manner of sins.  Surrendering your life to Jesus is not as complicated as you thought.  Come to Him today!


Tuesday, April 23, 2013

JESUS CHRIST gives His peace to us; not as the world gives does He give. ~ (John 14:27)

Jesus Christ is our Peace (Ephesians 2:14). To be without Him, is to be without peace.  He imparts inner peace to sinners when they are reconciled with God.  When you have Christ, you are free from the bondage of sin, guilt of past sins, fear of the unknown, strife, worries, and the thought of future judgment.   
Fellow human beings may give you peace, but it is temporary, and they will not always be there for you.  Some make false promises of peace, and what others offer sometimes lead to betrayal, frustration, and misery.  The world system, pleasure, fame, wealth, and other good things of life give you peace occasionally, but what they offer cannot meet the needs of the soul. 

Jesus Christ gives peace that surpasses understanding - peace that no one can give or take away.  The peace He gives leads to joy and fulfillment. 

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A good man obtains GOD's favor, but a man of wicked devices, He condemns ~ (Proverbs 12:2)

God wants us to have with spiritual and temporal blessings, but we should not expect Him to be pleased with us if we refuse to forsake our wicked ways. He bestows common blessings such as rain, the sun, and other necessities of life, on both the wicked and the good (Matthew 5:45), but the best things of life are reserved only for those who pursue righteousness, and strive to live a lifestyle of holiness.


In the last few posts, we discussed the term ‘WICKEDNESS’. We also discussed the factors that make an individual ‘wicked’ in the eyes of God.


The 'Good' or the 'Righteousness' in the eyes of God are those who pursue righteousness. They may not be perfect, but they strive to be holy - doing everything to obey the Lord’s commands and generally striving to please Him at all times.

Attending church services (without Christ), doing good to others, supporting/donating to worthy causes, and rendering charitable services while we are not yet saved, does not make us good in the eyes of God. Many non-Christians/ unbelievers are good-natured in the eyes of men. Some even make great personal sacrifices for others, but these without Christ are nothing to the Father. It is impossible to do anything that pleases God, if we are not yet saved.

No one can please a perfect God without Jesus Christ, for He is our Righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30). Unless righteousness is sought through Him, we are considered wicked in the eyes of God, for the simple reason that we continue to reject the Gift of Salvation, and thus refuse to be cleansed of the sins we were born with. [Romans 5:12] says that Adam’s spiritual death was passed down to all of humanity. This means we are all born spiritually dead - born with a natural tendency to sin.

The first step to pursuing righteousness, is to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. His Blood, which was shed on the Cross of Calvary as payment for our sins cleanses us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:7). When we surrender to Him, we are made righteous, and then empowered to live a lifestyle of holiness, through the Holy Spirit.

If you are not a Christian or not yet born-again, there is good news. God does not want to see anyone perish and ultimately spend eternity in hell (Ezekiel 33:11). What’s more, He wants you to be spiritually and abundantly blessed, even here on earth.

Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought. 

How Can I Receive Jesus Christ As My Lord and Saviour, Today? 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

He that justifies the wicked and he that condemns the just are both detestable to GOD. ~ (Proverbs 17:15)

GOD will never be a part of corruptible judgment.  He hates it when we knowingly cover the sins of others or accuse an innocent person falsely.  Under no circumstances are we to partake in such unscrupulous acts. 

According to the Bible, we are considered 'wicked' if we are:  immoral, unrighteous, ungodly (i.e. refusing the Gift of Salvation), jealous, malicious, corrupt;  basically going against everything the Gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST teaches against  (as contained in the New Testament), and any of the Eternal Laws of GOD (also known as the Ten Commandments).
However, If you are not a Christian or not yet born-again, there is good news. GOD does not want to see anyone punished and ultimately spend eternity in hell (Ezekiel 33:11).  There is a way to escape His wrath.  The way is, to take the first step to pursuing righteous, which is accepting the Gift of Salvation, by faith in JESUS CHRIST, who died on the cross of Calvary for our sins.   His Blood cleanses us of all manner of sins (1 John 1:7).  We are made righteous, only when we surrender our lives to Him completely.  He then empowers us to live a lifestyle of holiness, through the Holy Spirit. Surrender all to Him today!


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The thoughts of the wicked are detestable to GOD, but the words of the pure are pleasant to Him. ~ (Proverbs 15:26)

Our thoughts are unknown to men, but known to God. He hates it when we harbor evil thoughts against others.  The thoughts, prayers, praise and words from a good heart are pleasurable to Him.



According to the Bible, we are considered 'wicked' if we are:  immoral, unrighteous, ungodly (i.e. refusing the Gift of Salvation), jealous, malicious, corrupt;  basically going against everything the Gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST teaches (as contained in the New Testament), and any of the Eternal Laws of GOD (also known as the Ten Commandments).
If you are not a Christian or not yet born-again, there is good news. GOD does not want to see anyone punished and ultimately spend eternity in hell (Ezekiel 33:11).  There is a way to escape His wrath.  The way is, taking the first step to pursue righteous, which is accepting the Gift of Salvation by faith in JESUS CHRIST, who died on the cross of Calvary for our sins.   His Blood cleanses us of all manner of sins (1 John 1:7).  We are made righteous, only when we surrender our lives to Him completely.  He then empowers us to live a lifestyle of holiness, through the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

GOD detests the way of the wicked, but loves those who pursue righteousness. ~ (Proverbs 15:9)

It is impossible to encounter GOD without righteousness.  A wicked person can never find favor with Him, unless he turns away from his sins.
However, GOD has no pleasure in the death of a sinner or a wicked fellow.  He does not wish to see anyone perish in hell.  All He requires of us is to turn away from our wicked or sinful nature and pursue righteousness, so we may have eternal life (Ezekiel 33:11).  
How can we pursue righteousness?
The first step to pursuing righteousness is to accept JESUS CHRIST as our LORD and SAVIOR.  His Blood, which was shed on the Cross of Calvary as payment for our sins, cleanses us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:7)
No one can have access to the Only True GOD and make it to Heaven without surrendering to JESUS CHRIST (John 14:6). Likewise, no one can please a perfect GOD by his own strength and morality - JESUS CHRIST is our Righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30).  We are made righteous, only when we surrender our lives to Him completely. He then empowers us to live a lifestyle of holiness, through the Holy Spirit.
Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought. 

How Can I Receive Jesus Christ As My Lord and Saviour, Today? 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

THE HOLY SPIRIT is called 'The Spirit of Counsel'. ~ (Isaiah 11:2)

The Holy Spirit manifests His presence as the Spirit of Counsel, to enable us make good decisions following the principles of the Word of God and His will. 

He also gives counsel through vessels of honor.  He can use ministers of God or other believers that He has empowered and given utterance, to deliver a message to you on a specific matter. 

When next you are faced with a dilemma or concerned about an issue, seek the counsel of the Holy Spirit.  Wait upon Him to make decisions for you in every area of your life.  Rest assured that you can never go wrong when you follow His leading.  

(1) The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity. He is GOD.
(2) The Holy Spirit has emotions just like us, and can be pleased, displeased, or grieved.
(3) You must be born-again (i.e accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour) for the Holy Spirit to dwell in you. 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

JESUS CHRIST is the One Mediator between GOD the Father and men. ~ (1 Timothy 2:5)

Jesus Christ acts as the link between God the Father and man.  We have free access to God the Father through Him, and a right to all privileges.  Of utmost importance is the authority He gave us to ask the Father for anything in His Name, and the assurance that we will receive (John 16:23). 
Jesus Christ is the only Mediator between us and God the Father.  Once you invite Jesus into your life and make Him your Lord and Saviour, you can approach the Father in Him with freedom and confidence. 
Great things happen when Christians come together in unity and agree in prayers.  However, answers to prayers or miracles should never be ascribed to a fellow human being or object. 

Monday, February 25, 2013

No one can understand the mind of GOD or instruct Him as His Counselor. ~ (Isaiah 40:13)

No one can adequately understand God to a point where he claims to have the power to do what God alone can do.  Satan imitates God's works sometimes and delivers them through his emissaries, but they will always be counterfeit signs and wonders, that will eventually destroy those who benefit from them.  We should remember this when next we are tempted to accept counterfeit blessings from ungodly sources.  All power belongs to God.


There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death (Proverbs 14:12).


Monday, February 11, 2013

GOD is the Father of the heavenly lights, with whom is no fickleness, neither shadow of turning. ~ (James 1:17)

God created the heavenly lights - the sun, moon, and stars.  There is a strong resemblance between God and the heavenly lights to a certain degree, because He is Light Himself.  However, the heavenly lights do not shine consistently.  The sun shines only in the day, and the moon and stars in the night.  The heavenly lights also do not shine in every part of the world at the same time. 

God does not change like the heavenly lights.  He shines consistently all day and night.  He is also not limited to a particular place at a time - He is everywhere.  Our God is a reliable Father, even when we are unfaithful.  There is no change in His attributes, purposes, and designs.  When He gives you a word or promise, hold on to it.  It will surely come to pass. 

Note:  You cannot have a relationship with the ONLY TRUE GOD who is being described here, if you are not yet born-again.  You become born-again when you accept Jesus Christ His Son as your Saviour, and the Lord of your life.  Through Him, your sins are forgiven. You become spirit-filled, an adopted child of God, and an heir to a glorious inheritance.

Surrendering your life to Jesus is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to surrender all to Him today!


Monday, February 4, 2013

GOD the Father identified Himself as, "I AM THAT I AM". ~ (Exodus 3:14)

This powerful Name expresses God's eternity, immutability, and faithfulness.  It means that He is what He has always been, and will be what He will be.  God exists by Himself for Himself.  He depends on no one or anything to remain in existence.

God also identified Himself as, "I AM".  The One who does as He pleases with the host of the heavens, and His creatures.  The best and worst of men cannot change His purposes and plans.  This Name is the surety of our help and deliverance.  To everyone who is trusting God for one thing or another, He says, "I AM the assurance of every promise; be not afraid".

The manifestation of God's presence in our lives is through
Jesus Christ His Son. Through Him, we become adopted children of God the Father, and heirs to a glorious inheritance. Surrendering your life to Jesus is not as complicated as you thought. Make a decision to accept Him today.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

JESUS CHRIST (GOD the Son) holds the key of David; what He opens no one can shut, and what He shuts no one can open. ~ (Revelation 3:7)

Spiritually, a key symbolizes power and authority.  Jesus Christ has the power and authority to open or shut heaven.  He decides who will be admitted into heaven and who will be in hell, since He has the key to hell as well (Revelation 1:18). 
Likewise, through Jesus Christ, the doors of blessings are open to the righteous.  The doors of victory are open to those who accept Him, and the doors of sorrow, through which they were afflicted are closed.  When you are in Christ, no force can shut the doors that He opened unto you, or open the ones that He shut.  As you seek Christ and allow Him to have His way in your life, may you find hope in knowing that God's perfect plan for your life will stand in spite of opposition.
Note:  If you have not yet surrendered your life to Jesus Christ, make a decision to do so today.  You are a new creature and no longer separated from God once you make Jesus Christ your Lord and Saviour, and remain committed to living a life of holiness.  Surrendering your life to Jesus Christ is not as complicated as you thought.  

How Can I Receive Jesus Christ As My Lord and Saviour, Today? 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

GOD is present in the company of the righteous. ~ (Psalm 14:5)

God is certainly a Friend of the righteous; He is always in our midst.  He loves so much to fellowship with us.  If you are a friend of God and you regularly spend time with Him, it is only a matter of time before satan and his emissaries realize you are untouchable.  They will experience God's wrath if they attempt to harm you. 
Similarly, you will always be a living testimony of God's existence and greatness, and by that, lead others to Jesus Christ. 
You need to surrender your life to Jesus Christ to be righteous in the eyes of God - He alone is our Righteousness (1 Corinthians 1:30). His Blood is what cleanses us of all unrighteousness.  
We can never make things right with God without Christ; not with our good deeds, generosity to others, or other righteous acts, which the Bible says are like filthy rags before Him (Isaiah 64:6).  Make a decision to accept Jesus Christ into your heart, and make Him the Lord of your life today.
Surrendering your life to JESUS is not as complicated as you thought.  

How Can I Receive Jesus Christ As My Lord and Saviour, Today? 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

GOD is called Elohim (the Eternal Creator) ~ (Genesis 1:1)

'Elohim' means 'GOD' in Hebrew. This is the first Name of God to appear in the Bible.  It expresses Him as the Eternal and Mighty One who creates all things.  The prefix 'El' means the One who is great and mighty. 

In Hebrew, 'Elohim' is grammatically plural.  This Name can then be said to signify the mystery of the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit), which is implied but hidden in the Old Testament, and revealed in the New Testament. 

Note:  God alone is to be acknowledged, served, and worshipped, bearing in mind the trinity of persons in the Godhead - God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  There are not three Gods, but three persons in one God.  (2 Corinthians 13:14; Matthew 28:19).