Friday, July 20, 2012

GOD calls us by name. ~ (Isaiah 43:1)

To call someone by name means that you know that person on a personal level.  God desires to have an intimate relationship with us. He loves us so much to know our names; we are precious to Him.  He delights in us and knows our names, who we are, where we have been, our strengths and our weaknesses. 
God's summoning is not about us, but Him. He summons us, not because we are more qualified than others, but because He has something great to be done and has chosen us for it.  He summons anyone He pleases, regardless of who they are, what they have (in terms of resources, abilities, strength) where they come from, or their past.  
God called great women like Deborah and Esther. He called Samuel at a young age and Abraham in his old age.  He called Moses, who had a speech impediment, and called Paul who was persecuting the Church.  When God calls us, He calls us with a promise, and empowers us for the task He assigns to us. 
God may have summoned you, but you refused to respond, or made excuses to deny His will for your life. It is only when we respond to His call that we have fulfilled the purpose for which He created us.  If He calls you again, how would you respond? 

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